Post-16 Options

Now that Year 10 has come to an end and students are heading into their final year at the college, there will be various sessions next academic year to get students thinking about their post-16 options. A slideshow has been compiled to help inform students; please note this does not include information regarding vocational courses within the International Baccalaureate programme. More information will be sent out in September.

Best wishes,

The Year 10 Team.

Year 10 into 11 Consolidation Work

A copy of the Year 10 into 11 Consolidation Work can be found here.

Year 10 English Literature Consolidation Online Session 2 – Macbeth

Many thanks to those who attended our second, year 10 consolidation session. For those unable to attend, please see the recording below.

Best wishes,

Mr Compton

Year 10 English Literature Consolidation Online Session 1 – Lord of the Flies

Many thanks to those who attended our first, year 10 consolidation session. For those unable to attend, please see the recording below.

Best wishes,

Mr Compton

2025 Entry College Open Event Dates

Please find below a document detailing the dates for various open events in the Autumn Term for students transitioning to post-16 providers in 2025.

Open Event Document 

Summer Term Mock Booklet

This booklet gives students an idea of what to expect in their upcoming mock exams as well as helpful revision advice from subject specialists with its aim to prepare year 10 students for their mock exams.

Spring Term Mock Booklet

This booklet gives students an idea of what to expect in their upcoming mock exams as well as helpful revision advice from subject specialists with its aim to prepare year 10 students for their mock exams. To view this, please click here: Spring Term 2023-24

Year 10 Parent Webinar 1 Video

Dear Year 10 Parents/Carers,

Many thanks to those who attended our first, year 10 parent webinar. For those unable to attend, please see the recording below.

Best wishes,

The Year 10 Team

The slides from the recording above can be found at the bottom of this page. 

Bormio Ski Trip Easter 2024

For those who are attending the Bormio Ski Trip in the Easter holidays of 2024, please see below the slides from the Parents’ Information Evening that was held on Thursday 23 November 2023 for your information.

(Click the image to open the slides)

Having chosen their own curriculum, year 10 is where students fully embrace an academically rigorous experience, fully prepared for the challenges ahead after securing the key knowledge and understanding from our KS3 curriculum. 

Setting is applied in some areas.

Students are placed in attainment sets for Maths, English and PE. These classes are based on prior attainment and updated GL assessments for the core subjects. All other subjects are taught as mixed attainment classes.

Number of lessons per fortnight
Combined Scientists

Maths English Science EBAC (Geog/Hist) Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 PE PSHE
4 5 6 3 3 3 3 2 1

Separate Scientists

Maths English Physics Biology Chemistry Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 PE PSHE
4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1


Details of our curriculum intent in year 10 can be found on our curriculum pages here

Year 10 mock examinations will take place in March. (More details can be found here) when we near the examinations. 

Highlights in year 10 include:

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