Homework is seen by the college as a means by which student learning in lessons can be enhanced, extended and enriched.

The homework policy at Bottisham Village College set out to achieve three main goals:

–             Build learning habits.

–             Consolidate learning to allow for thinking hard activities in lessons.

–             To allow time for students to participate in enrichment activities.

We understand that family life gets very busy and be providing a clear structure for homework every evening it should allow you to plan your week.  This in turn will build good learning habits in students and give them the opportunity to participate in enrichment activities and have quality family time together.

Homework expectations

Homework will be set for all three lessons that a student has on that day and posted on Go4Schools by 3:45pm

Year 7 – 10-minute activity per subject

Year 8 and 9 –15 minutes activity per subject

Year 10 and 11 – 20 minutes activity per subject (this does not include revision)


All homework activities will be used the following lesson. This might be a retrieval practice activity about what they learnt today or a consolidation task to get them ready to do some thinking hard at the start of the next lesson.

As the homework is always used the following lesson it is important that all students engage with the activities that are set.  As homework is set for all three lessons every day there is no longer the need to ask your child “Do you have any homework?” you can now look on Go4Schools and have learning conversations “Tell me about the Nth Term you did today in Maths”. “What does a dystopian world look like?”.

Many thanks for your continued support. If you are struggling to access Go4Schools then please email enquiries@bottishamvc.org








Students in Years 7-10 will be asked to complete 30 minutes of reading on Sparx Reader. This shall be checked at the start of English lessons by their teachers.


Students will also be set work on the Sparx Maths platform. Sparx Maths is a powerful platform that adapts to the needs of each student. The Maths faculty sets the homework based on that week’s learning.  Teachers then use the results in lessons to address misconceptions and challenge students based on their weekly performance. https://sparxmaths.com/


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