The purpose of assessment is to communicate progress with students, teachers and parents so that students have a clear sense of where they are in their learning journey and the next steps that they need to take.    

Years 7 to 10  

Each subject area at Bottisham Village College has developed Age Related Expectations (AREs) for their subject, detailing the threshold knowledge and skills for each year.
Students’ work will be assessed against these, with the teacher making a judgement using 4 terms: emerging, developing, secure and exceeding. 

These overall judgements about students’ progress against AREs will be recorded at the end of each sequence of learning on ALIS, allowing staff, students and parents/carers to track student progress. 

 Years 10 and 11 Only 

Based on a range of assessment, including mock examinations, BVC teachers will publish an anticipated grade for each student in their subject. The first time that this will happen during Year 10 in anticipation of students starting Year 11. This will suggest the grade the student is likely to achieve at GCSE, should they continue at their current level of working. 

How will students be assessed? 

As a college, we recognise that the most effective assessment takes place in the moment, with teachers in lessons identifying individual or class needs on a continual basis and then responding to them. 

We understand that student work looks different between subjects. However, we also recognise the need for there to be a clear way for learning to be communicated between stakeholders, including staff, students and parents/carers. This approach is based upon three core components, which we believe enable purposeful learning conversations between all stakeholders:  

  • A coherent Learning Journey 
  • High Quality Assessments that link to the Learning Journey 
  • High Quality Feedback that can be acted on and which moves the learning forwards  

In subjects where the use of exercise books is standard practice, the method for this communication is the Learning Journey Book. In subjects where exercise books are not normal practice (e.g. for practical reasons), other methods will be used by staff to communicate these core components to students and parents/carers. 

Where appropriate assessments will be completed, receive feedback and be responded to in the Learning Journey Book.  

Wherever feedback is given to students, they will be given the opportunity to respond to the feedback and take their next steps along the Learning Journey.  


Bottisham Village College places great emphasis upon developing each student’s attitude to learning. We believe that great learning happens when students challenge themselves to work hard and aim high. We want students to be curious learners who fully engage in every learning opportunity. We expect all students to take responsibility for their own learning through actively participating in lessons, developing their resilience and persevering to overcome challenges. We encourage students to reflect on their specific strengths and areas for development, enabling them to maximise their learning potential.
When reporting on progress, teachers will also make a judgement on a student’s attitude to learning.  One of four possible judgements are made: 

  • Exceptional 
  • Good 
  • Inconsistent 
  • Unacceptable 

Students are recognised and rewarded for their positive attitude to learning in lessons. Any student who displays an attitude to learning that is either inconsistent or unacceptable will be supported and challenged to make the most of every learning opportunity. 


Three times a year, a progress check will take place detailing the following: 

  • How students are performing in each subject area, relating to the AREs and students’ progress against them; Years 7-10 Only 
  • How students are performing in each subject area, by publishing an anticipated grade; Years 10 (summer term) and 11 Only 
  • Attitude to learning score 


Our main way of reporting is through our parental intranet; this gives parents an up to date, live report. 

We have developed our online system, ALIS (Anglian Learning Intranet System), to allow parents and carers to access key information about their children and how they are progressing with their learning and curriculum. 

This is an evolution of our current remote access site for parents, which we have had in place for over 10 years.  The new system collates data from our various internal systems and presents them in an accessible way, via a secure login.  The system allows parents to view this information easily on mobile devices and through larger-screened PCs or tablets.  You will be able to access the following information about your child or children: 

  • Assessments (Years 7-10) and current attainment. 
  • Homework and Classwork set through Google Classroom 
  • Canteen Balance and spending 
  • Timetabled Lessons

ALIS can be accessed through the following link. 




Login can be achieved using a similar username and the same password as is used on the current system.  Details on how to securely log in to this system can be found in the document below. 


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