Post Results Services

Please see below a collection of services available to candidates concerning their results from JCQ.

Results Collection Details

Please see attached the letter that was sent out to Parents/Carers regarding results day and how students are able to collect their results and what to do if they are unavailable on the day.

Letter: Exam Results Day JULY 24

Results Day Processes

Once you receive your exam results, please check the document below to determine your next steps depending on which college or provider you wish to attend.

Results Day Processes Document


JCQ Information for Candidates

Please find a link to the information for candiates for the examination season from the JCQ.


Spring Term Mock Booklet

This booklet gives students an idea of what to expect in their upcoming mock exams as well as helpful revision advice from subject specialists with its aim to prepare year 11 students for their mock exams.

(Click the image below)


Half-Term School 

Over the course of the February half-term, we have arranged some revision opportunities for students in-school and online. We hope these sessions give students time and space to work on both coursework elements for their GCSEs but also to prepare them for the mock examinations which take place immediate after the week’s break.

For those attending in-school sessions, letters have already been sent to parents from subject leads; for those attending the online sessions, there is an online sign-up sheet here. Online sessions will take place on the Year 11 Google Classroom area and we would encourage students to arrive 5 minutes early and to bring something to take notes with.

If there are queries not answered by any of the above, do feel free to contact Mr Compton directly (

In the past, these sessions have been invaluable and highly received by students; we wish to replicate it at Easter as well.

Year 11 Timeline  

At this time of year, we finalise the year 11 timeline so that students and their families can best prepare. The formal examination season runs from 6 May to 24 June: it is a busy few weeks, with a half-term break taking place W/B 27 May.  As a result, we have orchestrated a timeline which we hope will benefit students at an important time in their education.

Ofqual Consultation Outcome: Change in Assessment for 2024 Examinations

Please click on the link below to view the document regarding the Ofqual Consultation Outcome: Change in Assessment for 2024 Examinations. Please read this before your 2024 examinations. 

(Click the image to visit the GOV Webpage)


Joint Council for Qualifications

At the bottom of this page, you will find a number of useful downloads relating to Information for Candidates for public examinations, produced by the JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications).

Please do read them in time for the summer examination season to ensure that families and candidates are aware of expectations.

Learning Habits Webinar

Dear Year 11 Parents/Carers,

Many thanks to those who attended our year 11 Learning Habits Webinar. For those unable to attend, please see the recording below.

Best wishes,

The Year 11 Team


Autumn Term Mock Booklet

This booklet gives students an idea of what to expect in their upcoming mock exams as well as helpful revision advice from subject specialists with its aim to prepare year 11 students for their mock exams.

(Click the image below)


Post-16 Information Evening

Dear parents,

Please see below the official CAP slides that Ed Compton (Deputy Principal) referred to on the Post-16 evening held on Monday 25 September 2023.

(Please click on the image below to view the slides)

Parents’ Information Evening

Dear parents,

For those not available to attend this week’s evening, you may see the information here.

Best Wishes,

The Year 11 Team

Information about Year 11

This final year is a tour de force for students, both in terms of their personal development but also academically. Whilst the public examinations are never far from our thoughts, supporting students through their post-16 choices and applications is punctuated throughout the year.

Curriculum details are the same as year 10.

Number of lessons per fortnight
Combined  Scientists

Maths English Science EBAC (Geog/Hist) Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 PE PSHE
4 5 6 3 3 3 3 2 1

Separate Scientists

Maths English Physics Biology Chemistry Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 PE PSHE
4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1

Details of our curriculum intent in year 11 can be found on our curriculum pages here

Year 11 mock examinations usually take place in September & March.

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