Maths Revision

Dear parent / carer,

We would like to share some guidance on how you can support your child in preparing for the upcoming year 7 maths assessment. With the information provided, we hope that you will join us in encouraging your child to develop effective study habits at home.

When is the assessment?

The next tier 2 assessment will take place in the final week of term before the Easter holiday (the week commencing 31 March).

How should students prepare?

We have provided you with an overview of the key topics which will appear on the upcoming assessment, along with the corresponding Sparx revision codes. Additionally, Sparx provides tailored revision guides to accompany the assessment.

We strongly encourage students to work through these materials over the coming weeks, adopting a ‘little and often’ approach to their revision.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out; we are here to support your child’s academic journey in every way we can.


Kind regards,


Mr Michael Lindsay (Head of Maths)



Year 7 Spring Term Curriculum Plan

Here is a helpful table of the curriculum for Year 7 this term. Please click here for a downloadable version.

Year 7 Autumn Term Curriculum Plan

Here is a helpful table of the curriculum plan for Year 7 for this term. Please click here for a downloadable verision.



Details of our approach to homework on G04Schools can be found here by clicking the icon:


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