Dear parents/carers,

Please find the video below for those not available to attend this information evening regarding Year 7 camp.

If you haven’t yet signed up for this opportunity, please get in touch with our Trips team at or for general enquiries, please contact or

Best Wishes,

The Year 7 Team


Dear parents,

For those not available to attend this week’s evening, you may see the information here.

Best Wishes,

The Year 7 Team

Year 7 can be an equally exciting and daunting experience for young people, having transitioned from primary school to secondary school. We hope that with our various transition days and transition evenings have prepared students and parents for this change. It is our intention that this process has given students every opportunity to feel comfortable, and supported and have confidence with which to start their Bottisham Village College journey.

When students arrive at the college, they will undergo a series of online assessments, as we wish to quickly get an understanding of their strengths and needs. 

Year 7


Study Groups – (All subjects except those listed below)
  • Students are taught in mixed attainment classes.
  • Students are placed in attainment sets based on prior attainment in PE.
  • Students are taught in their mixed attainment form groups
Creative Design Rotations (Computer Science, Design & Technology and Food & Nutrition)


  • Students are taught in mixed attainment classes.


Students will follow a broad and exciting curriculum, using a two week 30 lesson timetable, split into Week A and Week B.

Number of lessons per fortnight

Maths English Science MFL Geography History PSHE REP Performing Arts PE Creative Design  Music Art
5 4 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2


Details of our curriculum intent in year 7 can be found on our curriculum pages here.

There are many highlights of the year to enjoy in year 7:

  • School trips to Framlingham
  • Year 7 Disco
  • House Enrichment Activities, including “The House Games” in the Summer Term.
  • Extended Schools Activities
  • Sports Fixtures
  • Year 7 Camp in Norfolk

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