We intend to inform and involve you in supporting your children with careers education, information, advice and guidance by:-

  • Advising you of up and coming activities
  • Inviting you to information evenings
  • Notifying you when your child has a career guidance interview
  • Asking you to talk to small groups of students about your work role
  • Inviting your comments on our careers programme and careers provision
  • Notifying you when we have acted on your feedback
  • Being available at parents evenings and other events so you can ask career-related questions
  • Providing you with information on aspects such as apprenticeships and qualifications

We will do this through School Comms, and ClassCharts.


We intend to inform and advise you with careers education, information, advice and guidance by:-

  • Arranging career-related events and activities
  • Asking employers, training providers, colleges and universities to come and speak to you
  • Advising you of local opportunities
  • Inviting you to comment on events and activities
  • Letting you know when we have acted on your feedback
  • Being available at parents evenings and other events so you can ask career-related questions

We will do this through, assemblies, PSHE days, form-time, posters, notices, careers activities and events, parentsโ€™ evenings, the School Leadership Team and the College Council and plasma screens.


We intend to inform and advise you with careers education, information, advice and guidance by:-

  • Advising you of career-related activities and events so that you can better support studentsโ€™ career learning within the curriculum
  • Arranging career-related activities to support your CPD
  • Providing you with career-related information and resources relevant to your subject area
  • Supporting you at parents evenings
  • Inviting you to comment on events and activities
  • Letting you know when we have acted on your feedback
  • Acting on your referrals and advising you of outcomes

We will do this through form-time, posters, notices, staff email, our career webpage, faculty and other meetings and weekly bulletins.

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