Summer Exam Timetable

Please find a copy of the summer exam timetable below. Please click it for a downloadable copy:


Attendance During Exam Period

After May half-term, students will follow the attendance guidelines below:

  • No exam – Students may choose to stay in school for the whole day or revise at home.
  • Two exams in one day – Students must remain in school for the full day.
  • Morning (AM) exam only – Students may sign out after their exam or stay in school to revise (but cannot leave and return later).
  • Afternoon (PM) exam only – Students may arrive at the start of the day to revise or enter via Reception just before their exam.
  • Students can only leave the site once; they should not leave to use the shop and return.


We will be providing supervised study spaces for students who wish to revise in school.

Easter School

We are pleased to offer a new opportunity for Easter revision this year. We have established a partnership with MyEdSpace online tutoring, providing high quality online tutoring sessions. 

What is MyEdSpace? MyEdSpace offers live online tutoring sessions led by experienced teachers and examiners via YouTube. Our subject specialists at Bottisham reviewed these sessions to ensure they meet our standards before proceeding with the partnership. 

Will the online courses align with our curriculum? Yes. The English course follows the AQA syllabus, and while the Maths course uses resources from Edexcel, all content covered is also relevant to AQA. 

Why online rather than in-person sessions? By using MyEdSpace, we can offer greater flexibility and a wider range of content than would be possible with in-person sessions at school, all at the same cost. 

Session Dates and Timings: 

  • GCSE Maths – Foundation: 7th, 8th, 15th April (12 hours total)
  • GCSE Maths – Higher: 7th, 8th April (12 hours total)
  • GCSE English: 16th, 17th April (12 hours total)

Do we have to attend every session? No, the sessions are also recorded so can fit around your schedule in the holiday. 

How do I sign my child up? MyEdSpace Easter Courses 

We hope your child takes full advantage of this valuable opportunity. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on 

Future Dates

Celebration Day – 30th April

The first of our leavers’ events will be our in-school Celebration Day to look back on the year group’s time at the College, featuring performances, speeches and the customary BBQ. The dress code for the day is smart/casual.


Leavers’ Ball – 27th June

We cordially invite all of Year 11 to the wonderful Leavers’ Ball, a much renowned and anticipated event in the Bottisham calendar. This is a fantastic event for Year 11 to come together for the final time and celebrate the end of their GCSEs.

The event will be held in the spectacularly decorated Evans’ Auditorium and the theme for this year’s Ball is ‘Old Hollywood’


Passport to the Prom:

A reminder that in order for students to receive an invite to the ball, their house points must outweigh their behaviour points. In effect, to receive an invitation, students must be “net zero”:

  • The dates we shall be looking at are between 3rd February and 2nd May
  • Go4Schools will not automatically show this
  • Users need to filter using the above dates.

Regrettably, each year we make the difficult decision to not invite some pupils, based on their prior behaviour and attitude to their learning.

However, given the fantastic journey the students have been on this year, we are incredibly confident that the overwhelming majority will receive an invite.

Mock Examination Booklet

A copy of the mock examination booklet can be accessed by clicking the image below.

Mock Examination Timetable



Information for parents, carers and students relating to the guidance and protocols for sitting public examinations can be found in the downloads section at the foot of this page.



Year 11 Data Glossary


Post-16 Evening: 23rd September 2024

A copy of the slides from the Post-16 Evening can be found by clicking the image below.


Details of our approach to homework on G04Schools can be found here by clicking the icon:

Autumn Mock Booklet

Please click the image for a link to our Autumn Mock Examination Booklet 2024.



Year 11 Key Dates

Please click the link for your own version of the Year 11 Key Dates poster. Please be advised that many of these dates are subject to change, but they give families a general sense of the months ahead.


A copy of the slide from the Year 11 Parents’ Information Evening 2024  can be found here.



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