Year 10 Mock Examination Booklet

Please click on the image below to see the Year 10 Mock Examination booklet, containing all the details relating to the up and coming mocks.

How to Prepare for the Year 10 Maths Mock Exam

As your child prepares to sit their GCSEs next year, we would like to share some guidance on how you can support as parents.

  1. Here is an overview of the key topics which will appear on the March mock examination and we strongly recommend that students engage with this by using the SPARX revision codes.
  2. Additionally, we have prepared tailored revision booklets closely aligned with the content of the exam. We strongly encourage students to adopt a “little and often” approach by printing these out and doing them by hand.

We offer drop-in support sessions for all KS4 students on Mondays after school in M8: do come along.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Mr Lindsay (Head of Maths)


Year 10 Parents’ Information Evening

Please click on the icon below to access the slides from the Parents’ Information Evening from 5th December 2024.



Details of our approach to homework on G04Schools can be found here by clicking the icon:



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