Year 9 students are about to enter an exciting phase of their educational career: for the first time they will have the opportunity to select some of the subjects that they will study. We recognise that making these decisions can sometimes be difficult. Some students have a clear idea about the career they wish to pursue but many of them may be unsure at this stage. The learning journey through the curriculum that they have followed so far has been carefully sequenced to allow them to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to achieve their best at Key Stage 4. Our learning pathways will ensure they retain a balanced and varied programme of study.

We have a page dedicated to this process with a wealth of information about the process as well as specific videos for each subject to give parents/carers and students an understanding of the options for Key Stage 4.

Please follow this link:ย Pathways to the Future 2023/24




+44 (0)1223 811250

Bottisham Village College, Lode Road, Bottisham, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB25 9DL

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