Our students will be raising awareness and fundraising over the next two weeks and would welcome your support.


In response to the tense and distressing events in Ukraine, we will be supporting the efforts of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). This is one of many charities helping people affected by the current conflict. They are responding to humanitarian needs by providing food, water, first aid, medicines, warm clothes, and shelter to the victims of the war.

On Friday 11th March we will be having 

  • Non Uniform Day (optional £1 donation made via wisepay)
  • Other fund-raising events (students might wish to bring a small amount of cash on the day to support these)

To make donations please go to https://donate.redcross.org.uk/appeal/ukraine-crisis-appeal


The following week, we will be fundraising for Comic Relief Red Nose Day, on Friday 18th March. Staff, students, and our wider community will be able to participate in a range of fun activities.

Here’s what we’ve got planned:

  • Non Uniform Day – Wear Something Red optional (£1 donation made via wisepay)
    Parents can now also make their donations using the link
  • BVC Bake Off – Cake stalls (50p – £1.00; please bring exact change if possible)
  • Red Nose & Spoon challenges
  • Guess the sweets (50p)
  • Red Nose Day Quiz

This year Red Nose donations will tackle important issues including homelessness, hunger, domestic abuse and mental health stigma, all of which have been impacted by the Covid -19 pandemic. We’ll be helping change lives in the UK and across the world.

Thank you, in advance, for all your support.


+44 (0)1223 811250


Bottisham Village College, Lode Road, Bottisham, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB25 9DL

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